Travis had never felt so alive than he did at that moment, in the motel parking lot and finally getting to have a showdown with the asshole who snatched Letz Shake from him. Mr. Sir Henry motherfucker, thinking he was suave for jumping in and snatching his kill, and right as he had challenged him to a fight to the death, fair and square, that fucking bitch Sylvia had interrupted them. For what reason, who the hell knows, but what he did know was that this Henry fucker had vanished from the scene without a trace, probably with his tail between his legs, the coward that he was.
But now. Now he was back again, preventing Travis from getting decapitated on the toilet by some vengeful rando, and challenging him to a proper fight this time, man to man. Travis didn’t know what this guy got out of fighting him, besides getting to kill the first ranked assassin, but something told him that’s not what he was after. Either way, Travis was more than happy to show this asshole who’s boss, once and for all.
Slowly circling the parking lot like a pair of predators, their beam katanas purred in their hands, eager to taste the blood that would soon spill. Eyes locked, they were waiting for an opening, the perfect chance to strike.
Travis was the first to move. He lunged forward and swung the katana over his head, more than ready to slice the other in half on his first try. Of course, things were never that easy; Henry parried his attack with ease and sent him flying backwards. Travis stuck the landing, crouched low and lunged again. And again.
And again.
On and on, he attacked and Henry countered perfectly each time. It was like he could read his mind and predict his every move. It was kind of freaky, but he wasn’t about to give up. Every boss had his weakness, and Henry was no exception. All he had to do was look closely and he’d be sure to spot the pattern.
So look closely he did, all while swinging his sword in his vain attempts to distract his opponent so that he might expose his weak point. No such luck however; all Travis saw upon looking closer was a vaguely handsome man with an unfortunate haircut. What a tragedy…
But now was not the time to be distracted! Henry noticed the opening and sent a few crackling spheres of electricity his way. Travis was too slow to dodge; the projectiles made contact and sent him flying against a nearby wall. He felt the shock to his core, his bones jittering.
“Put some heart into it,” came the mocking cry from his opponent. His stupid accent seriously pissed Travis off.
The upside to getting shocked by electric balls, and you’d better believe there was an upside, was that it woke him right up. Blood rushed to every extremity and he kicked off of the wall, slashing forward with killing intent. Henry parried, as expected, but Travis pushed through and they locked swords. He pushed hard and he breathed even harder, glaring at his opponent over the buzzing glow of their swords. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that Henry’s breathing was labored too. They were both tired of this fight.
This was going fucking nowhere. Time to switch things up.
Making direct eye contact with Henry, Travis threw a cheeky wink his way. As expected, the crossdressing-Bugs-Bunny-style diversion completely threw Henry off, taken aback and staring at Travis with wide, disbelieving eyes. It was the perfect opportunity and Travis seized it, pushing with all his might and sending Henry stumbling backward, stunned. With a yell, he bull-rushed Henry and grabbed him by his midsection, slamming him onto cracked asphalt as hard as he could and knocking the wind out of him. For good measure, he threw himself on top of his downed foe to make sure he stayed down.
Travis reached for his beam katana to deal the finishing blow, but his hand grasped empty air instead. His beam katana wasn’t there! It must have been knocked out of his hands as he grappled with his opponent. Looking around frantically, he found his weapon lying some 20 feet away, right next to Henry’s discarded sword.
Speak of the devil, Henry stirred awake at that exact moment, took one look at Travis sitting on top of him, blindly grabbed for his katana at his belt, reached the same conclusion as Travis, and finally began to struggle in earnest. They punched and kicked, rolling and scuffling on the hard asphalt like a pair of animals, cornered and defanged. Every bruising blow was answered in kind with another strike, until they were both out of breath, and yet they still fought. Infinitely, the cycle went on; ouroboros biting its own tail with no end in sight.
That is, until Henry made the grave mistake of aiming a punch straight at Travis’s shades and sending them flying. They hit the ground with a crack, yellow shards lining the asphalt like crocodile teeth. Travis responded to the offending gesture with a headbutt and bloodshot eyes, pinning Henry’s fists to the side of his head.
“Those were fucking expensive , fuckhead.” He hissed right in Henry’s face, teeth covered in blood.
“Get. The fuck. Off of me.” He hissed right back and bucked his hips to shake Travis off.
Oh, but what an even graver mistake that was.
Henry’s hips rubbing up against Travis’s, who had been hard ever since getting electrocuted, was the delicious catalyst that sent Travis tumbling forward with an unrestricted groan. He pushed all his weight on Henry’s wrists and watched his eyes go wide once more in total shock.
This gave him an idea.
With a bloody smirk, he lowered his hips back down on Henry’s, the action sending another jolt of electricity through Travis’s dick and another exaggerated moan slipping past his lips.
“Wait! Travis, what-”
“You gave me quite the shock back there, Henry . How ‘bout I return the favor?” He punctuated the word with a dip of his hips. The stunned look on Henry’s face gave way to genuine horror at Travis’s actions.
“Wait, stop! Get off-” He bucked his hips again to unseat Travis, but when that garnered the exact opposite result, Travis gasping and moaning at the contact, he immediately ceased his struggling. Instead, he looked up with desperation in his eyes. “You don’t want to do this, Travis…”
“Psh, c’mon. It’s not that big a deal,” Travis laughed, breathless. “Are you afraid you’ll like it? Don’t worry, it’s not gay if our balls don’t touch.”
He was just fucking with him at this point. The asshole had stolen his rightful kill and then jetted; he could endure a little bit of light bullying for a bit. Only until Travis got his rocks off, then they could go back to fighting. Pinky promise.
“That’s not it. You can’t-”
“Oh, but I can!”
And he dropped his hips back again just to demonstrate. It knocked the wind out of them both, for separate reasons. Travis got a sick kind of thrill from rubbing his clothed erection against his opponent’s flaccid cock, like some sort of primal and animalistic ritual to establish dominance. Henry’s distressed complaints were simply fuel for the ever-growing fire in his stomach. That should teach him to not mess with Travis’s marks ever again. He was a professional; he had standards to uphold. And some Irish douchebag stealing his kill and making him look lame in front of Sylvia, well he couldn’t just take that lying down. He was a professional, though arguably, rubbing dicks with another man on the hot asphalt outside a run-down motel wasn’t very professional, but still.
Eventually, since Henry was a human male, and he had a pulse and – presumably – a functioning sex-organ, the stimulus from Travis proved itself to be too much to ignore. Travis could feel the clothed dick beneath him start to swell and fill out, and some small part of him was unreasonably happy at being able to get such a reaction out of Henry.
When Henry opted to bite his lip instead of continuing to complain, Travis realized that he was trying to stop himself from making any embarrassing noises. He couldn’t help but laugh then, a breathless sound that was closer to a moan than a laugh.
“What happened, Mr. Stop-Travis-Get-Off-Me? I thought you didn’t like it, but look how hard you are now,” he teased.
“Shut the fuck up! I’ll kill you.” He bit out, and if it weren’t for Travis holding his wrists to the ground, he really might have strangled him right there. Too bad. Travis wasn’t into choking.
Grinding against him, however, had Henry swallowing all his rage and gasping out a shuddering breath. He whipped his head to the side, face red, and refused to look at Travis any longer. Honestly, Travis found it kind of… Cute? Not quite. This was a grown man he was talking about. He wasn’t cute at all. Good-looking, maybe. Hell, maybe he’d even be kind of handsome if he got rid of that fuckass haircut. Maybe if he pushed his hair back like Travis, and maybe if he got himself a pair of shades, he’d be pretty cool.
But no. Not shades. His eyes were too blue to be hidden behind a pair of shades. Two pairs, technically, since Travis would be wearing a pair himself. That was too many layers between them, and Travis found that he couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to look directly into those blue eyes, so much like his own. Blue eyes which had willed themselves to look directly at him now, conflict written all over them, searching for something in Travis’s matching pair. It was clear Henry was warring with himself over some stupid bullshit, because he bit his lip in frustration and tossed his head to the side again. Seriously, if only he got over whatever inane hang-up he had about his sexuality or whatever, this would be much more enjoyable for the both of them.
Travis was about to tell him as much, before he was cut off by Henry making a sudden upward movement. He shut his eyes tight, thinking he was about to be headbutted by Henry, but the painful blow never came. Instead, he only felt a forceful press of lips against his own. He jolted upright and gasped, rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand. He couldn’t believe he’d been bamboozled by the age old Bugs-Bunny routine himself.
“What the-!”
Henry took advantage of the confusion and wrested his hands free, and just as Travis thought he was about to throw him off balance and attack him, he grabbed Travis by the collar and pulled him down into another searing kiss. Travis tried to pull free, but Henry’s grip was vice-like and his lips were bruising and maddeningly soft. He moaned into Henry’s mouth, who seized the opportunity and pushed his tongue inside, not even a little bit afraid that Travis might bite. And to be perfectly honest, Travis couldn’t bite even if he wanted to; the taste of his blood mixed with Henry’s was ambrosia on his tongue and Henry was sucking on his lips so hard, he was afraid he’d be cannibalized right there.
With herculean effort, he pulled away from the inferno of Henry’s mouth, gasping for breath and watching a pink string of blood and saliva bridge the gap between their lips.
It seemed Henry could not bear to be still now that he’d steeled his resolve. He grabbed Travis’s hips and pulled him downward, driving his own hips up to meet him halfway. Crushing their swollen erections together, he set a punishing pace and at that point, Travis was just along for the ride.
Doubling over, he held onto Henry’s shoulders and moaned right in his ear, loud and obnoxious like a pornstar. Henry responded with a bitten-off groan of his own, rutting up against Travis like his life depended on it. Travis was fast approaching the precipice of orgasm and he could tell Henry wasn’t too far behind. With a desperate press of his lips against the other’s, he tipped over the edge, in what was probably the most intense orgasm of his life. With the way Henry was gripping his waist and uttering profanities against his mouth, he knew the other had experienced his own release as well.
Pulling away from this kiss was even harder than the previous time, because this time he knew he had to pull away for good. Resting his forehead against Henry’s, he panted for air and could feel the puffs of air Henry was blowing in his face in return. The juncture where their hips met was warm and throbbing. Travis didn’t want to get up. Henry had other plans.
He grabbed Travis by the scruff of his neck and forcefully pulled him away. Staring into those identical eyes, he watched the bloodlust seep back into Henry’s gaze. Oh shit.
Travis jumped towards his beam katana and Henry did the same. They each snatched up their respective weapons and dashed to opposite sides of the parking lot, as far away from each other as the walls would allow. Travis waited for Henry to strike first this time, beam katana buzzing and raring to go. But oddly enough, Henry didn’t seem to have any intention of attacking whatsoever. Instead he was facing away from Travis, gloved hand pressed to his mouth in a pensive gesture, his beam katana sheathed and strapped to his belt. He looked rather dignified like this. Well, as dignified as a man with a wet, sticky splotch on his pants could look. God, that reminded Travis of the uncomfortable stickiness in his own pants. Maybe he could somehow convince Henry to stand by while he ran upstairs and changed his jeans real quick. He just had to find the least awkward moment to break the silence.
“Hey man, sometimes you gotta act a little gay to get the upper hand.” He tried. Henry only turned to look at him the way one might look at the dog shit stuck to the bottom of their new Jordans.
“You call grinding up against your twin brother ‘acting a little gay’?”
“Did you-”
Okay, that was enough; they weren’t a comedy duo. And more importantly, Travis’s ears hadn’t deceived him.
“Did you say ‘twin brother’?? Since when?!”
“Wait, are you saying you didn’t know?!” Now it was Henry’s turn to be flabbergasted.
“No! How the fuck was I supposed to know?! We’re not exactly identical. And why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought you knew. Did you seriously not notice me going through all five stages of grief while you were bouncing on my dick?”
“Don’t fucking say I was bouncing on your dick now that we’re brothers, asshole!” Travis gripped his own hair in distress. This was seriously fucked up. “And I did notice, I just thought you were grappling with your frail concept of heterosexuality or something, not freaking out over engaging in incest!”
“Speaking of heterosexuality, Sylvia’s going to kill me.” Now it was Henry’s turn to panic. Though he wasn’t nearly as frazzled as Travis. He only worried his bloody lip with his teeth, eyes wandering to the side. “I’m a terrible husband…”
Wait. What?
“Huh?! Husband?! You’re married to Sylvia?!” This was getting out of hand. Any other twists he should prepare himself for? Was Sylvia also his long lost sister, perhaps? No, that couldn’t be; they couldn’t get away with reusing the Jeane plot-twist this many times…
“Yeah, we’ve been married for ten years. Why?”
Wonderful. Not only had he fooled around with his own brother, he had also fooled around with his sister-in-law as well. Perfect. Travis needed a drink.
“Wait, that look in your eye…” Henry pointed an accusatory beam katana Travis’s way. “Don’t tell me you-”
“And what if I did?” Travis picked his head up and admitted it with his whole chest this time. Now wasn’t the time to avoid conflict. He’d just creamed his pants in his twin brother’s embrace for god’s sake; he could face his problems like a man.
“Hmph. It looks like we still have a score to settle, little brother.” Henry brandished his blade, and that quiet bloodlust was back in his eyes.
“When the hell did you decide I’m the little brother? Also,” Travis readied his own katana, his shit-eating grin falling right back in place.
“Bring it the fuck on!”
And just like that, they were back to the dog race yet again.
Published: 2024-12-27