
PomPom's Blog

A personal blog filled with this and that...

Supporting Actress

Karamatsu/Osomatsu / Accidental Voyeurism / Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
Osomatsu and Karamatsu aren't as sneaky as they think they are. Totoko is left reeling at what she discovers.

Totoko knocked back an entire bottle of beer in one go, slamming the empty bottle down on the counter at Chibita's oden stand. She gasped for air; it burned all the way down. This was her sixth beer of the hour. Nowhere near enough to wash out the bile that seemed to be crawling up the back of her throat all night.

She ordered another.

The alarmed look Chibita sent her way slid right off her as she downed the next bottle. He could side-eye her as much as he wanted; there wasn't a single force on this planet that could make her spill what she'd been through that day.

Or rather, what she'd seen.

Partly, because she'd rather claw her eyes out than recall that God-awful scene. Mostly, though, it was because it wouldn't make an ounce of difference if anyone else knew. She could tell Chibita, her parents, their parents, their neighbors, all of Akatsuka and it wouldn't make any difference. Hell, she could tell the whole fucking world that–

Matsuno Osomatsu and Matsuno Karamatsu were fucking.

Because of course they were. Who else would stoop so low as to fuck a Matsuno, than another Matsuno, right? It made sense, it made perfect sense!

She threw her head back and laughed the hardest she had in years, nearly toppling over from her seat. Chibita began voicing his concern for her, telling her to stop drinking and go home, but what did that bald bitch know about anything?! He wasn't the one who had to sit there with the knowledge that the two eldest sons of the Matsuno family were in an incestuous relationship with each other. He wasn't the one who had to bottle up that information and push it to the deepest recesses of his consciousness because what good would it do if the whole world knew? Those NEETs were already the lowest of the low in the eyes of the whole town. A scandal like that wouldn't even scratch the surface of their selfish wickedness, the scum that they were. At worst, they'd move out of town and be degenerate elsewhere.

Okay, so maybe Totoko wasn't much better off herself. Only in these dark, drunken hours could she admit that much to herself. A grown woman still living with her parents. No job – not a real one anyway. No post-secondary education. No romantic partner. Only delusions of grandeur. Anybody with half a brain and working eyes could see she was a loser. But God damn, at least she wasn't fucking her own brother! Which you'd think would be the bare minimum, but apparently fucking not.

In retrospect, she should have seen it coming. The signs were all right there , right in front of her! But she chose to turn a blind eye to them, chose ignorance, because that's what's easy.

She remembered on one occasion she'd called them all –all six of them– to the shopping district so they'd carry her bags for her. Of course, they had all said yes, eagerly doing whatever they were told, lapping up any attention she was willing to give them. They'd orbited her, tiny and unimportant satellites around the blinding sun. She was Snow White and they were the little dwarves, waiting on her hand over foot.

But she'd noticed those two, Osomatsu and Karamatsu, hanging further back behind the rest. Shoulders pressed against one another, whispering secrets or jokes or whatever it was to each other. They'd barely even looked at her the whole time. Almost as if they didn't care if she paid them attention or not! She would have been offended if she cared. Four out of six pairs of eyes on her were good enough anyway.

She'd failed to notice at the time the way those two were holding hands. Nothing odd in and of itself, of course. Siblings can hold hands, no problem. But she'd known the sextuplets all her life. None of them were touchy feely with each other the same way some siblings are, not even as kids. So how come Osomatsu and Karamatsu were suddenly okay with holding hands in public?

Hindsight was 20-20 as always.

More recently, she'd seen just the two of them out on a stroll. Again, hands firmly interlocked, but she'd paid it no mind. She had invited them over to her house because she'd made some alterations to her costume for her next performance and wanted to see what they thought of it. Also, she had been lonely, but that wasn't important.

At her house and up in her room, they had sat on her bed, waiting for her as she got changed in her closet. She had come back out with a 'Tada!', expecting admiration and praise for her eye for fashion, but was instead met with two identical flushed faces snapping in her direction. Their hair had been tousled, lips swollen, wild-eyed like they'd been caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

Which, they had been. But Totoko had pretended she hadn't noticed. Why on Earth had she done that, she could not fathom to this day. It had been right there, staring her in the face, but she'd pretended she didn't see it. Because it'd been easier to say her mind was playing tricks on her than to admit her childhood best friends, almost like brothers to her, definitely brothers to each other, were making out on top of her sheets.

Of course they'd been happy to have been presented with a way out. They had jumped up off the bed and doted on her for five minutes straight.

("Oh, Totoko-chan, you look so cute in this outfit!")

("Totoko-chan always looks cute, dumbass!")

("Yeah, but she looks extra cute like this. Did you do this all by yourself?")

("That's our Totoko-chan!")

She'd put on the sweetest smile she could muster and twirled for them a few times, striking a cute pose here and there. They'd left soon after that, hand in hand. Totoko had been glad to be rid of them. She'd locked the memory up tight and shoved it under the bed, never to be examined ever again.

Only, she had no choice but to examine it again, not now. Not now that she had context to every single action they'd performed. Not now that she could put a name to every single behavior they'd exhibited, every furtive glance, every playful bite of a lip, every secret laugh muffled by a sleeve.

After all, it was only earlier tonight that she'd seen them stumbling out of a love hotel together. Both their necks covered in hickeys, appearances disheveled, faces red with anything but shame. They'd clung onto each other's waists and peppered the other's face with chaste little kisses, as if they hadn't just committed the most disgusting act one could commit. As if the whole world couldn't see exactly what they were –which it couldn't, she guessed. There had been no one there but Totoko that night, just happening to pass by.

And what a night she'd chosen to just 'pass by'. Fuck her shitty luck and fuck her for thinking she could live a normal life while associating with those lowlife NEETs.

She'd slipped away unnoticed and stumbled her way through the musty back alleys, feeling sick to her stomach the whole way. And that's how she'd made her way to Chibita's oden stand, now on her twelfth beer, trying to forget everything but her own name.

Eventually, Chibita refused to let her drink anymore and threatened to call her parents to come pick her up. Totoko raised a racket, of course, and just as she was about to call him a bald bitch right to his face, two pairs of arms lifted her off the bench. Too drunk to argue, and too tired to kick and scream she stumbled after them in a daze. In the silent darkness she could only make out that stupid green emblem on each of their hoodies as they dragged her home.

Two Matsus , her drunken brain helpfully provided, but she couldn't tell which ones. She lifted her head, heavy as lead, and caught sight of hickeys on two identical necks.

They were chattering away above her as they dragged her away. She couldn't make it out at first, but they were admonishing her like you would a child.

("What the hell were you doing out so late, Totoko-chan?")

("Woah, she's fucking plastered, dude!")

("Did you see the empty bottles at the stand? She must have drank two whole sixers!")

("Damn! What's got you so bothered you'd drink yourself half to death, Totoko-chan?")

She laughed so hard at that she puked all over their shoes.

Served them right.

Published: 2023-08-24

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